Alone in the driver’s seat, the cold air pressed down around Neve in that particular way only silent night air …

Alone in the driver’s seat, the cold air pressed down around Neve in that particular way only silent night air …
She’s right here, she really is. Her presence ever so warm, her smile warming the despair of three-thirty in …
The stretch of elastic under the constant pressure; pushed against both ends by steady fingers. Slow. Whining. I knew it …
His monotone voice droned on as minutes stayed stagnant. “Now… Worksheet 1 on the… Complete it….Good.” The humid air …
CW: Disturbing When you die and get buried underground, your still, lifeless face will gaze up at your loved …
Would we ever meet again? I know that we disagree, but one day, can we See each other again, after— …
“So.” Darian crossed his arms. “You’re leaving.” “I’m aware.” Lou remarked dryly, and turned, as if she would leave …
Beep Beep Beep Snooze? My alarm goes off for the second time. The haunting sound ringing …
There are an infinite amount of things to despise about life. However, traffic easily takes its place in the …