To graze the moon with five-toed footsteps, and the blood rushing to animate the muscles as they function below the …

To graze the moon with five-toed footsteps, and the blood rushing to animate the muscles as they function below the …
I begin all my letters with the same phrase. And end them the same way too. Wishes, A thousand …
The stretch of elastic under the constant pressure; pushed against both ends by steady fingers. Slow. Whining. I knew it …
We talk, 1 hour on the intricacies of the olive oil making process, Tomorrow I’ll forget your name, isn’t …
Stemming glacial waters, just as old as catacomb earth, the matriarch of the Castonet mountain range tends to its dewy …
I wonder if it was worth it in the end. Working vendor, out on a stand. Lost to a crowd …
A range is a limit. The number that the faceless faces outside the classroom window use to see if you’re …
Lewis’s face was covered with a smirk. His tie loosened, hat off his head, bouncing down the stage to claim …
Blind I do not see the stars. Too blind. Too far gone. I sit cold as my heart …