This year marks the long-awaited opening of Macleans’ new Technology Block, which had been under construction since 2019.

Renovating the Technology Block was the penultimate installment in a series of rebuildings addressing Macleans’ ‘leaky building syndrome’. Previously, many of the school’s classrooms and Houses were prefab buildings which were susceptible to weather damage.

Aside from better weather-resistance, the new Technology Block is equipped with better specialist tools, improved classroom layouts, and the elegance of modernity.

The final piece of the project—a rebuilt Science Block—is due for completion in 2022, and will honour former principal Mr. Allen McDonald.

See the gallery of Technology Block photos below.

To open the full gallery in a new tab: Google Photos


Photos by Dan Sy Tan from the Macleans College News Committee. Published on 01/05/2021. Images: The Collegian