His monotone voice droned on as minutes stayed stagnant. “Now… Worksheet 1 on the… Complete it….Good.” The humid air …

His monotone voice droned on as minutes stayed stagnant. “Now… Worksheet 1 on the… Complete it….Good.” The humid air …
‘One’ The keen knife; held only by the handle, Or cut by merciless metal. One more, Just one. …
Sometimes I think I’m okay, but when the tide turns I realise that everything is gone. The once strong, beautiful …
You skim past traffic lights, unshaken by car crashes, Ride countless roller coasters, seeking any sensation. You wait for the …
CW: Disturbing When you die and get buried underground, your still, lifeless face will gaze up at your loved …
Would we ever meet again? I know that we disagree, but one day, can we See each other again, after— …
Our being is a harlequin, Shackled to Caucasus. It matters not time nor era, The mountain’s peak, our eternal …
We talk, 1 hour on the intricacies of the olive oil making process, Tomorrow I’ll forget your name, isn’t …
“So.” Darian crossed his arms. “You’re leaving.” “I’m aware.” Lou remarked dryly, and turned, as if she would leave …